Research & development

3V Green Eagle has become a valuable contributor to the environmental sector.

Our principal company, the 3V Group, has always maintained a strong focus on R&D and in-house engineering development in the chemical and process equipment fields, allowing some of their technologies to gain international recognition.

Our technology

A patented process

The 3V Group developed Wet Oxidation TOP® which is a wastewater treatment technology that uses oxidation methods. This patented process has been acknowledged by the European Union IPPC Commission as the best available technique in recovering contaminated sites. As a result, the effectiveness of Wet Oxidation TOP® has attracted the interest of numerous research institutes and universities since the 3V Group's first industrial plant started operating in the early 1980s.

Continuously optimized

Along with this topicality, 3V Green Eagle has ensured that the development of this technology is continuously optimized in the following manner:

  • We have established a Wet Oxidation laboratory-scale plant which is regularly used to test the feasibility of the Wet Oxidation process on new waste streams. This allows us to guarantee the best operating conditions for different efficiency targets and has allowed our technology to conduct more than 2000 tests for different waste types.
  • We have become a partner of the European Project ROUTES ( which is an organization that aims at assessing new methods for treating and managing sewage sludge effectively.
  • We have conducted an industrial-scale experiment on the effectiveness of Wet Oxidation on solid residues. This led to the obtainment of the CE mark, allowing us to use Wet Oxidation TOP® as filler for bituminous materials and others which are similar.

R&D laboratories

To support our R&D department, we have established Pilot Plant Laboratories in which lab-scale plant tests can be performed. These pilot plants allow us to keep optimizing the waste treatment pathway of our treatment center in Italy and allow us to conduct feasibility studies on our technologies.

Our Pilot Plant Laboratories are equipped with:

  • Anaerobic Digestion Reactor
  • Thin Film Evaporators
  • Short Path Evaporators
  • Filtration and Drying equipment
  • A Wet Oxidation pilot plant and other basic instrumentation for in-situ experimental activities

In the last 10 years, the 3V Green Eagle's R&D department has also used these laboratories to conduct experiments on contaminated sediments from the Venice Lagoon Channels. In addition, 3V Green Eagle has engineered and built a mobile pilot plant for Soil and Sediment Washing which was authorized by the Lombardia region in 2013.

This mobile plant has been used actively to assess innovative sediment management strategies in experiments financed by Sogesid S.p.A. on the port areas of Livorno and La Spezia. Additional studies have also been conducted on sediments from the Port of Palermo.